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Trader of the Month - Angel Dust

Emily Payton

This month, Emily spoke to Lisa at Angel Dust, an alternative gift shop in Widnes.

POTN: Could you please tell us about your shop?

Lisa: We are a small family run business, based in Widnes providing a range of alternative gifts & goods including crystals, incense, dreamcatchers, clothing, dragons, fairies, Buddhas, books, oils, goddesses, tarot/oracle cards, pendants, Viking jewellery, herbs, candles, resins, salts etc.

We also host wellbeing classes, Dark Moon rituals, beginners Yoga, Reiki shares and training, workshops and more. We have a fairly eclectic mix.

We work hard to try to keep our range evolving whilst staying in touch with our customer base.

POTN: Would you say your pagan path was?

Lisa: Damon is a healer, a Reiki Master of over 10 years with some shamanic training, and is on the Druid path with OBOD. He recently started to learn more about the gods – he is currently drawn to Cernunnos, The Morrigan, and Bel. He predominantly worked with energy alone until recently, but is starting to feel the pull towards witchcraft and herbal remedies.

I am a healer and goddess, a fully trained Priestess of Cerridwen. I am a sacred space listener.

POTN: What brought you to this path?

Lisa: We both felt the pull from an early age, as children. Earlier in life we were preoccupied with our children, but have felt drawn back to our paths as they have grown and we have more time.

I definitely rejoined the path first, studying and training as a Priestess of Cerridwen, whereas Damon more recently found the path again.

POTN: What is your favourite practise?

Lisa: Dark Moon rituals and Sabbats. We host a monthly Dark Moon ritual in the studio at the shop. We recently celebrated Beltane on local open land and we plan to continue to do so for other Sabbats.

POTN: Is your work and faith entwined?

Lisa: Yes. We work with a lot of local pagans. We hold Dark Moon rituals and Sabbat celebrations.

POTN: What’s in the future for your business?

Lisa: We aim to add one or two more shops within the northwest areas and maybe a full-time temple, although the shops may not have a studio, depending on staffing.

You can find Angel Dust’s physical shop at 75 Widnes Road, Widnes WA8 6AZ

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