Book Review - Imbolc: Brigid’s Feast (The Songs of Sabbats) - Alexandre Ravenheart
Imbolc: Brigid’s Feast is a beautiful children’s book in two parts. It begins with a richly detailed poem about Brigid, her awakening, and how Imbolc is celebrated with fire, feasting, and crafts, then goes on with a glossary of some of the words used in the poem (which are highlighted in red for easy reference).
The second part of the book contains children’s reading comprehension, vocabulary and story writing activities, word games, drawing prompts, and more.
Stunningly illustrated by Maria Finchenko, whose images are perfectly matched to the words within, this book is a lovely little piece for mini witchlings and pagans learning about the sabbats with their parents.

My children (4.5 and 2.5) are a little too young to benefit from the activities in the second half of the book yet, but have thoroughly enjoyed the poem and pictures, and it’s a book we will treasure and read again and again each year at this time.
My only qualm is the misspelling of ‘altar’ as ‘alter’; but overlooking that I would heartily recommend this book to pagan parents. Ravenheart hits the nail on the head with a blend of easy-to-digest mythology for small humans alongside encouraging prompts perfect for home educating folks or just a celebration of the day itself.
Written by Sam Stoker