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Book Review: The Witches Apothecary by Lorraine Anderson 

This book will undoubtedly be one of the most beautiful in your magical collection. Not surprising when you realise that it comes from the creator of The Season of the Witch oracle cards. The illustrations are not only plentiful, but helpful and really beautiful. However is it style over substance? I think that really depends on where you are in your witchcraft journey and where your interests lay.

The book is split into 3 sections starting with ‘Introduction to Magical Workings,’ then ‘Magic Maker Process’ and finally ‘Working with The Wheel of the year.’ The first two are great for beginners and have a few bits for the more experienced witch. In short they cover the basic tools, herbs needed, gratitude, self care, sustainability and basic potion making. It shows how to incorporate nature synergy and potions along with self care into your everyday life. The last part is related to the 8 Sabbats and potions that correspond to them to enhance your celebration and acknowledgement of them. The potions do lean towards the self care aspect of witchcraft, which is not my area of interest, but I know a lot of witches will enjoy this. For those of you who like myself do not enjoy this so much, the incense, tea and coffee brews and house cleaning potions are really quite gorgeous.

The Apothecary Cabinet at the end of part 1 has some excellent advice with regards to carrier oils and essential oils and the risks of buying fake oils. It also has a useful chart of herbs and their medical associations. It has a small section that covers clays, waters and crystals.

Part 2 also covers storage, labelling, scents, colours, animals and the importance of research in all areas of magical/potion workings.

Part 3 is set out for The Wheel of the Year. There is a brief bit about each Sabbat, some themes and magical workings and correspondences to do with that particular Sabbat. There are then several recipes that tie in to help you enhance your celebrations. The recipes are all simply laid out and easy to follow, with the majority of ingredients being easy to find.

One drawback I found with the book was that it doesn't include an index. If you want to find a particular recipe, unless you either remember what it is called or what Sabbat it is for, you will struggle to find it without going through all of them.

Overall I did enjoy the book, I learnt a few new magical correspondences and it was an enjoyable read. It is great for beginners, as well as witches interested in making their own bath salts and beauty potions. It would also be good for tying in your potions to enhance your Sabbat celebrations, not to mention looking gorgeous on your magical bookshelf.

Reviewed by Jo Chandler

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