This month, new team member Louise Bloomer spoke to Jacqui Marsh, a reader and events organiser based in Maltby, near Rotherham.

POTN: Tell me about your business?
Jacqui: Over the last 30 years, I have changed the way I work. I used to only use the major Arcana in readings, but then felt drawn to use the full deck. I used the celtic cross, but kept adding extra cards as I always felt I wasn’t giving clients enough for what they were paying, which back then was £5.
I don’t guarantee mediumship. I don’t work that way. If I get messages, I pass them on, but I really wanted to help people with all aspects of their wellbeing, so now I use tarot and oracle decks. I love crystals, so I use crystal cards, life path decks, tarot and oracle and let them choose which ones they want me to use in the reading. I look at their wellbeing, past, present and future. This covers everything for the client. I like the holistic approach to my readings.
POTN: What pagan path do you follow?
Jacqui: I follow the Old religion, I use the pagan festivals and I love working with the moon a lot. I have always been very solitary, but have recently opened a closed group to help others. I wouldn’t call myself a teacher, but I do handouts and we chat about all aspects of Paganism.
POTN: How did that path start?
Jacqui: I have a wonderful mentor, her name is Angela Harvey. Years ago I was working at a shop and Angela used to come in. We became friends and she slowly started to explain paganism to me and eventually witchcraft, after some time she asked me if I would like to attend a ritual, which I did. She taught me everything. Strangely when my mum passed, I found a pentacle in the bottom of her jewellery box, that became the first pentacle that I wore. POTN: What advice would you give a new pagan?
Jacqui: Always remember you can be a pagan and not a witch. So from the beginning you have a choice to make, decide what your path is going to be. Follow your instincts and read and talk to people. I have lots of books, but the two I go back to time and time again are ‘Paganism - A Beginners Guide’ by Teresa Moorey and ‘A Woman’s Book of Shadows’ by Elisabeth Brooke, both of which were gifted to me by Angela. People are like sponges and they want to learn about paganism and the old ways, now more than ever.
POTN: Why did you start running Mind, Body and Spirit events?
Jacqui: Over 25 years ago I went to a show; stall holders were paying a lot for a table and customers were paying a lot to get in the door. So I thought ‘I could do this’ - and keep it affordable. 25 years ago I ran my first show - Thirza’s Psychic and Natural Healing Fayre. My mum was called Thirza so I thought that was appropriate to name it after her. I spoke to all the people I knew and trusted and asked if they would like to have a table and I found a venue in Maltby near Rotherham, the same venue I use today, all these years later. I still keep my prices very low for traders and I don’t charge customers an entrance fee either. I always thought that £2, £5, whatever they were paying to come in could go towards a reading, a treatment or even a much needed couple of spell candles, something they may really need, so I’ve kept it free. When I advertise the show to stall holders, I call it OUR event, not my event, because we have become a family over the years, you do after 25 years.
The fayres are held at The Wesley Centre, Blythe Road, Maltby, S66 8JD from 11am-4pm. The next one is on Saturday 15th April.

Whether you would like to book a reading in person or via Facetime, or whether you would like more details about the shows, you can contact Jacqui online:
Facebook - Holistic Readings with Jacqui
Email -