A large part of my paganism is political, as is everything in my life, so when I attended an anarchist book fair (dedicated to Ewan Brown, held at the Star and Shadow cinema annually in Newcastle) with a friend earlier this year, I was overjoyed when I had had to leave to wrangle my small humans and they came out and presented me with a copy of this book.
Focusing on classism, feminism, equity and the inherent interconnectedness between politics and witchcraft, the book explores theories around witch executions across Europe and America. A short but powerful read at only sixty pages, printed by Active Distribution, this pocket sized edition delves into the history of the medical profession from cunning folk and midwives to ‘proper’ doctors and how men and the patriarchy in general took from women something that was inherent, passed down by word of mouth, and then banned women from participating in something they had long been the forebears of.
If you’re looking for a book to rile you up and remind you where witches came from and who those on the wrong side of history are, this book is an absolute necessity.
By Sam Stoker